By evaluating your child’s progress, we are testing our own abilities At Srinivasa, Assessment is continuous and comprehensive. In the Kindergarten and Lower Primary classes it is an ongoing natural part of everyday activity. Students are assessed through worksheets and day to day activities. Student portfolios are maintained which contain the work samples and worksheets of every day activity.
School periodically assesses the all-round development of a child, commencing from the kindergarten level. In the Kindergarten and Montessori classes, evaluation is done on a day-to-day basis by way of worksheets based on the syllabus taught. The overall performance of the child is judged at the end of the academic year.

For the Middle and High Schools, the student’s application to work is assessed through Class Work, Homework and Project Work. The student’s power of comprehension is also evaluated through cyclic tests held on a weekly basis and examinations conducted at the end of each semester.
Evaluation is based on the student’s performance during the entire year and due weightage is given to all the tests/examinations, assignments and project work. Prizes/ Merit cards are awarded to meritorious students.