Physical education is an integral part of education for every child. high quality health and physical education programs help students succeed in life. it also helps in lighting against inactivity and obesity in the younger generations which are technology obsessive. physical education helps our younger people live a healthy and productive life both in and out of classrooms. physical activities improve children's cognitive development, muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.
At srinivasa sports curriculum includes both outdoor and indoor sports. football and basketball are made mandatory sports for all the students of the school. a lot of other sports like volleyball, throw ball, table tennis, chess are also taught to our children.
In the pre-primary group, we use a lot of structured physical activities and sports as a pedagogical tool for developing mental and behavioral skills and physical conditioning in children. sps we have inbuilt sports period in daily time table. all students get more than two period in a week for their games.
After fourth standard each student is encouraged to pick up at least one game and master it. at sps, students are encouraged to take part in sports activities for enjoyment, relaxation and exercise. the schools provide wide range of indoor games and outdoor games in which students are encouraged to participate at all level. sps has vast playgrounds for various individual and team sports. the well trained & experienced sports coaches encourage the students to participate in maximum number of games.
Biology Lab
In the biology lab, the students are tested their theoretical knowledge practically for its validity or truthfulness. In the Laboratory, students are given opportunity to learn by performing practicals